The Boys
TW is an average little two-year-old, except he is super tall, so everyone expects him to be older. He helps around the house by pointing out where the dog has pooed, letting us know when the recycle needs to go out and brining in the paper on Sunday's.
He likes cars. And trucks. And cars. He'll color and read books for a little bit, but mostly plays with cars. His favorite day of the week is Thursday, when Daryl comes by with his garbage truck and picks up the garage.
Richard is the happiest baby in the world. He wakes up happy, he smiles and giggles all the time. He enjoys waving to strangers and being carried around. He just started walking so he walks like a small dinosaur.
For some strange reason his favorite song is "All About the Bass." His favorite hobbies include bugging his brother, following his brother around and crying when his brother gets a Cheetos and he doesn't.
TW is an average little two-year-old, except he is super tall, so everyone expects him to be older. He helps around the house by pointing out where the dog has pooed, letting us know when the recycle needs to go out and brining in the paper on Sunday's.
He likes cars. And trucks. And cars. He'll color and read books for a little bit, but mostly plays with cars. His favorite day of the week is Thursday, when Daryl comes by with his garbage truck and picks up the garage.
Richard is the happiest baby in the world. He wakes up happy, he smiles and giggles all the time. He enjoys waving to strangers and being carried around. He just started walking so he walks like a small dinosaur.
For some strange reason his favorite song is "All About the Bass." His favorite hobbies include bugging his brother, following his brother around and crying when his brother gets a Cheetos and he doesn't.
The Spouse

Tim does IT stuff for State Farm. He's told me what he does many times, but I still don't get it... Something about serves. He is an avid baseball fan. He is also a fan of craft beers, but since the children he has had less time to enjoy the occasional adult beverage.
Tim does IT stuff for State Farm. He's told me what he does many times, but I still don't get it... Something about serves. He is an avid baseball fan. He is also a fan of craft beers, but since the children he has had less time to enjoy the occasional adult beverage.
The Dog
Wriggly is our 7-year-old boxer. He is my step-dog, I like to say he came with the house. The kids think it's their government issued. You are born, you get your birth certificate, social security card, a blue beanie from the hospital and a dog. It's quite possible he may turn into an attack dog and maul the children, as my mother believes. But most likely, he will just keep scaring girl scouts when they want to sell cookies and ring the door bell. He spends most of the day following the kids around, especially during meal times. Wriggly enjoys stealing the kids’ plastic toys and chewing them up until they are unusable. |